Our Team
Dr Rosie Riley BSc MBChB
Founder and CEO of VITANHS England Clinical Entrepreneur
Rosie is a Clinical Fellow in Emergency Medicine. She graduated with a medical degree and a BSc in Global Health from the University of Bristol. She founded VITA in 2015 and is passionate about a sustainable, evidence-based, survivor-focused healthcare response.
Rosie advised and contributed to the Home Office “Modern Slavery Act 2015 - Statutory Guidance”, is a core member of the NHS England Modern Slavery Network and is a member of the Victim Support Group of the Modern Slavery Strategy and Implementation Group shaping national support for victims. She was appointed as an NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur in September 2018.
Dr Laura Wood BM MA MRCPCH
Research DirectorChild & Family Modern Slavery Lead
Laura is a paediatrician with experience caring for children and families in challenging circumstances, including children who have experienced abuse, trauma, modern slavery and trafficking. The complex challenges involved in caring for these children and their families well led Laura into further training. She is now a researcher at Lancaster University where she has gained distinctions at postgraduate certificate and masters level in clinical and sociological research. Laura is now completing her PhD in the health response to child trafficking. Laura’s work is supporting the development of VITA’s educational material, research and academic engagement.
Dr Charles Thompson BA (Hons) MBBS
Strategy and Operations Director
Charlie is an anaesthetic trainee living and working in East London. Alongside clinical work, he has been involved in a number of research projects in the area of Modern Slavery and health since 2015. He has a particular interest in the interface between victims of trafficking and acute healthcare settings – in particular the training and equipping of healthcare workers in victim identification, support, and referral. His work as strategy and operations lead involves oversight of VITA's training, advocacy, and research arms; public facing leadership; and future strategic development of the organisation.
Juliet Odaro
VITA Survivor ConsultantLead for London's Survivor Alliance
Juliet is a regional leader within Survivor Alliance; a global organisation whose mission is to unite and empower survivors of human trafficking around the world to become leaders of the anti-slavery movement. Her London-based group provides an opportunity for those with lived experience to come together, support each other and share their concerns. Juliet advocates for them with the Home Office, working to action the changes that they want to see in support services delivery and national policy. Juliet is passionate about supporting other survivors and being a leading voice in the anti-trafficking sector. She plans to study Social Care at university. In July 2020, Juliet joined the VITA team as a Survivor Consultant, advising on VITA training materials for frontline healthcare professionals. She is a core member of the VITA Network committee.
Lauren Jackson BSc, MSc, MBBS (In Progress)
Training Lead (maternity cover)
Lauren is a graduate entry medical student at the University of Nottingham and is working towards her career goals in Psychiatry. Before commencing her medical studies, Lauren spent several years working in learning and development in the energy and pharmaceutical industries and as a Clinical Manager in the NHS.
Lauren has experience of both face-to-face and online learning environments and working to ensure the seamless delivery of learning events. Lauren is passionate about equality and believes that equipping clinicians appropriately through training is key to instigating change in the healthcare response to modern slavery.
Dr Sarah Boutros MBBS MRCPCH
Sarah is a Paediatric Registrar who has worked across London. She has worked in various voluntary sector organisations in the UK and abroad, particularly with vulnerable migrant groups, such as detained migrants, trafficked populations, and migrants struggling to access healthcare. Sarah has recently completed her MSc in Advanced Paediatrics at UCL, researching trauma-informed care in practice for trafficked children and young people. She has and continues to research topics such as access to healthcare for migrant children in the UK. Alongside this, Sarah is a VITA Trainer, delivering training across London and the South East.
Dr Jill O'Leary MBBS MRCGP
Jill is a GP with a special interest in refugee health based in London. She qualified as GP in 2018 and since then has been working with homeless populations, asylum seekers and refugees across London. She has extensive experience working abroad in refugee camps in Jordan and Greece. In 2020, she became the lead doctor for the medical advisory service at the Helen Bamber Foundation where she helps to provide a model of integrated care to survivors of extreme human cruelty. She joined VITA as a trainer in 2019, delivering training across London and the South East.
Anya Charnaud BA(hons), FDsc, PGcert, PGdip, MBACP acred
Anya is a BACP accredited psychotherapist with graduate and postgraduate qualifications. She is a trauma specialist with over 15 years experience in various settings. This includes working for 11 years in London’s sexual assault referral centre, The Haven, gaining a senior psychotherapy post.
She now works in an NHS complex adult mental health service. Anya has been involved in research projects linked to sexual violence, human exploitation and psychological interventions presenting nationally and internationally. She also teaches at various levels which have included medical students, medical services, a national forensic medical examination training course, and the charity Hestia on trauma. Anya runs a private psychotherapy practice working with trauma, burn out, occupational health issues and sexual violence. All of these achievements relay Anya’s dedication and passion for working in the complex field of trauma, and human exploitation.
Dr Miranda De Burgh BSc(Hons), MBChB
Miranda is a medical doctor with four years experience in Psychiatry training. She side-stepped from specialist training into charity work and medico-legal report writing for organisations such as Medical Justice and the Helen Bamber Foundation. She has six-years experience of writing psychological assessments for medico-legal reports; documenting the physical and psychological effects of ill-treatment and working with survivors of trafficking, torture and human cruelty. She is passionate about refugee health and the impact of trafficking and modern slavery on mental health. She has completed the post-graduate certificate in Forensic Medical Sciences and is working towards the diploma.
Dr Rebecca Burn MBBS DMCC
Rebecca is an Emergency Medicine Registrar working in London. She has a passion for teaching and is trained in simulation debriefing. She enjoys helping teach medical personnel the language, skills and confidence to know how best to help a patient they may suspect is a victim of Modern Slavery. She has been involved in VITA since 2019 and is a facilitator on the course.
Dr Ellie Coote Bsc MBBS MRCPsych
Ellie is a psychiatry trainee in south London, currently working in a community crisis team. Prior to psychiatry training, Ellie worked as a Population Health Fellow, exploring the experience of access to health services by people experiencing homeless. This helped to develop the provision of a multidisciplinary specialist service for people who are homeless presenting to a South London hospital. Ellie has been involved with VITA since 2019 and is a course facilitator.